
顯示從 2022 起發佈的文章

HSP - have you heard of this latest trend in psychology yet?

HSP, a novel concept that might still seem alien to many people. Perhaps someone will associate it with ESP (Extra-Sensory Power). Indeed, HSP can be related to this in some way - first coined by psychologist Elaine Aron in the 1990s, HSP stands for Highly Sensitive Person/ Personality which, as it name suggests, refers to someone who is very sensitive to external stimuli such as sound, light and smell etc. As such, they usually prefer tranquil environments, are more readily startled by sudden sound, made uncomfortable by strong lighting, and likely to avoid confronting situations. Moreover, they are prone to take more time to make decision and accept new things, and require more down time after a hectic day. Another synonymous term is SPS (Sensory Processing Sensitivity), which is in turn different from the clinical diagnosis Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). According to Dr. Aron’s findings HPS is a strongly genetic trait, so there is little room for argument in the nature-nurture d...

Book Review: Thinking, fast and slow

Author:       Daniel Kahneman Subject:      Behavioral economics, decision-making Year:           2011 ISBN:          9780374275631 The title well deserved the acclaim as a landmark work in the realm of economics.    Consolidating decades of research finding in behavioural and cognitive psychology, Kahneman, along with his lifelong fellow Amos Tversky, sharply pinpointed the shortcomings of the contemporary doctrine of economics, i.e. the ideation of human being to the so-called "Econ", someone who is always consistent in his or her preferences and know exactly what he or she wants all the time. As demonstrated by the monumental evidence in the book, human beings are, through the instinctive "System 1" and to some degree the endorsement of the deliberative "System 2", far from rational in that sense. Numerous phenomena under which these errors could occur have been addressed, includi...

Book review: Twisted tales - My life as a Mongolian contortionist

   Author:         Otgo Waller Subject:        autobiography; contortion Year:              2017 ISBN:             9781504378611 Originally expecting to read stuff about contortion per se , only to later realize - to a delighted surprise - it is an autobiography of how a legendary Mongolian contortionist came to shine in Las Vegas.  Despite some word phrases found to be a bit odd, it is a truly enjoyable book. The writer has the feat to convey her genuine feelings to the readers without holding back. The beginning chapter of the backdrop against which she came to this world was almost like a fairy tale, so touching and poetic. Then came the stories of her loving family - her sister, parents and 'Grandpa', all so beautifully portrayed so readers can almost sense their presence. Then the dark episodes of sexual harassment, patriarchal societal control, tra...