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  作者: 劉至平 出版: 台北 易博士 年份:2017 ISBN: 9789864800254 作為一本介紹圍棋的入門書,這是一個上佳的選擇。 坊間有很多講述圍棋的書籍,但由於大多由擁有多年經驗的老棋手編纂,內容普遍傾向艱澀難懂,令一眾有意學習圍棋的初學者卻步。而本書則如其所言,從「第一次下圍棋」的新手角度設想內容,採用適合初學者學習的九路小棋盤去講述圍棋知識,並用最少且易懂的文字說明基本規則、勝負計算、常用術語、攻守策略、實用戰術以至於下棋禮儀等等。全書章節編排清晰、圖文並茂,並很少校對錯誤——本人曾見過十分多手文之誤的圍棋書,對初學者帶來很大的學習困難——因此本書實為初學習圍棋者的推介之作。 唯一要說的是,希望該書能講多一些分勝負的方法,因該書只介紹了中國的數子法,沒有介紹日本的比目法,也沒有講解「貼目」這一重要概念;或者其可以在書尾以附註的方式簡略介紹一下,全書內容就會更完整了。

Book review: Never split the difference - Negotiating as if your life depended on it

  Author:         Chris Voss Subject:        Negotiation Year:              2016 ISBN:             9780062407801 If someone envisions a master of negotiation as an alpha male like Donald Trump who speaks the loudest to threaten everyone else into submission, this book will definitely turn your understanding upside down.  As a veteran FBI hostage negotiator for many years, the author has all the credibility to speak on this topic. In contrary to the traditional, rational problem solving approach which aims to separate emotional elements from the issue in order to arrive at a so-called "win-win" situation, he argues that humans are irrational beasts who more often than not act on impulsive feelings rather than meticulous calculation. And he also sees that such insight is not only for crisis handling but can also be applied to business and daily-life interaction...